Watch Dogs website updates, may be the start of an ARG

The Watch Dogs gameplay trailer was easily the most interesting reveal of this year's lacklustre E3, but those who were paying attention found a little more beneath the surface.

Following the QR code in the trailer sent players to this website, which appeared to belong to Joseph Demarco, the artist killed during the demo. Today that website was update to reflect Demarco's demise at E3, with emails sent out to anyone who signed up after viewing the trailer. We're not sure at this point if this is just a simple marketing tie in or if it could represent the start of an ARG.

Sadly, there was also bad news. According to Kotaku someone at Ubisoft managed to bungle sending out the emails, meaning that hundreds of users had their emails revealed to each other, and are now stuck in an endless loop of replies from which they can't escape. Reports that elite hackers are using the confusion to sneak into nightclubs are unconfirmed.

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