Ubisoft explains why Watch Dogs is a lot like the first Assassin's Creed

The original Assassin's Creed was a beautiful world in search of a game to occupy it. (When a large proportion of your mission design involves sitting on benches, you've got a variety problem.) Second time around Ubisoft made good on the premise with the brilliant Assassin's Creed 2 , Brotherhood , and the company expects Watch Dogs to follow a similar pattern.

In an interview with our friends over at CVG , Ubisoft Montreal vice president of creative Lionel Raynaud called the cyber vigilantism game "a brand and promise" for the future. "The reception has actually been pretty close to Assassin's Creed [1]," he noted, "with the first one we didn't have such a good reception, and it was fair."

Raynaud also admitted that there were problems with Watch Dogs' replayability, and that it was easy to spot that it was a first iteration. He also made the point that while Ubisoft always knew that Assassin's Creed had potential, it didn't know it would become the mammoth franchise that it is today.

"It's the same thing with Watch Dogs: it was difficult to do everything at the right level, which is why we took more time," he said. "The time we took was definitely useful—it allowed us to release the game without compromises and do everything that we wanted. We also kept parts of the game we felt didn't fit with the original for the sequel."

That sequel is already in the works, as Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot revealed just weeks after Watch Dogs launched.

Raynaud confirmed that the sequel will not only try to make good on the promise of the core idea, as the Assassin's Creed series eventually did, but also live up to that first impressive demo of the game we saw at E3 2012.

That's likely to be quite a way off, though. If you don't want to wait, the final release of TheWorse Mod enables many of the visuals effects presented in the E3 2012 demo that were cut from the final release.