EA announce Bad Company 2: Vietnam


A Battlefield: Bad Company 2 expansion may be on the way. According to a translated press release at NoFrag , today EA are to announce a cross-game reward scheme that would give items and beta access to players of Dead Space 2, Medal of Honor, Bad Company 2, and "a brand new digital expansion pack for Battlefield: Bad Company 2 taking place in Vietnam". It would reward players for owning one game by giving them new weapons in another, or early access to the Medal of Honor beta. The translated (and possibly garbled) press release states "By using their profile as a profile of existing EA Member of the Gun Club, players will access content that could give them an edge in combat."

Lending some credibility to the story, the Gun Club site the supposed release links does exist as part of ea.com, but currently requires a username and password to access. We'll be at the EA press conference today, and bring you more, and more pertinent details.