PC Gamer US Podcast #329 - A Toast to Indies

Tyler, Omri, and T.J. discuss Steam Greenlight's first ten approvals , the most exciting new ideas in indie gaming , and Medal of Honor: Warfighter's decision to allude to the real world of war . Tangents include the plural of octopus, how best to backup vacationing editors, and a great deal of bread-related discussion.

Hear it all in PC Gamer US Podcast 329: A Toast to Indies !

Note: In the intro, Tyler intended to say "Omri 'Get to Know Me' Petitte," which is a much better rhyme. He deeply regrets the mistake.

Have a question, comment, complaint, or observation? Leave a voicemail: 1-877-404-1337 ext 724 or email the mp3 to pcgamerpodcast@gmail.com.

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