PC Gamer ShootMania Launch Cup: team up, shoot maniacally, win money! Sign up now!

ShootMania Storm launches today. It's a competitive shooter built for eSports, and as you might expect from Nadeo, the developers of TrackMania, it's extremely malleable, with a level editor that lets you plug prefab components together to create your own arenas. It's a game of breathless pace and precision, with its two-hit kills requiring well-timed projectiles - old hands at Quake 3 or Unreal Tournament should feel right at home.

To celebrate ShootMania's arrival, PC Gamer is holding a tournament from 15th April to 7th May , with £800 in prize money to be divvied up between the three top teams. Whether you're a pro-player in need of pocketmoney, or just a fan of oldschool shooters looking to recreate the twitchy thrill of a railgun duel, you're very welcome to enter. Read on to find out how.

The game mode we'll be playing is Elite 3v3, so you'll have to find two buddies to sign-up as well. There's no restriction on location, but the servers will be hosted in Europe, so bear that in mind if you are signing up to play from another continent.

We've partnered up with the lovely folks at Multiplay to run the tournament: you can create an account with them here . As soon as you have, you can log-in using the form below and sign-up to the tournament. Matches will take place on Tuesdays between 6pm and 10pm GMT each week, so make sure your team's available unless you want to forfeit the match.

Watch out for the rest of our coverage, too: we'll have Ziggy "nVc" Orzeszek and David "Zaccubus" Treacy from Team Dignitas commenting on our Twitch TV stream each Tuesday night from 6pm GMT, and weekly written round-ups every Thursday.


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