Microsoft: "It is our job to lead the way on PC"

Microsoft has admitted that it needs to "step up" on the PC front. Dave Luehmann, Microsoft Game Studio's general manager, has said, "Other companies should look to Microsoft for leadership, but I'm not sure they do. It is our job to lead the way on PC." How do you reckon they should do that, then?

Last E3, Tim noticed that next to all the developers showing off their upcoming PC titles , Microsoft's display was shamefully limp . Then, at Gamescom, they announced the return of two beloved PC franchises . They know we're not happy, then, and in this interview over at MCV , Dave Luehmann openly admits that they should be doing better, and commits to reversing that. He said:

"There's been a fair bit of criticism aimed at Microsoft that we were spending a lot of our focus on console, and we need to be putting resources behind PC as well. Other companies should look to Microsoft for leadership, but I'm not sure they do. It is our job to lead the way on PC. And in some ways we are doing that and in other ways we are not. So we need to step up. We are putting some real investment and big IPs behind the Windows platform. We've spoken of the first three, Fable III, Age of Empires Online and Microsoft Flight. However we are not going to stop there.

"I think it is the responsibility of first parties to push the business models in to new directions. We will test some ideas – some will work and some won't."

We'd like to ask you, our handsome, intelligent, often-furious readers: what do you think Microsoft should do to "lead the way on PC" like they say they want to? What will it take to convince you of their commitment? What do you want to see Windows do differently? How should they split their resources and IPs between the PC and their little black money making machine, the Xbox 360? And can Games for Windows Live survive and transform into a truly essential service, or should it just be taken out back and shot? Discuss!