Lefties rejoice! NZXT announces ambidextrous gaming mouse

avatar s

I'm not a southpaw, but I worked for many years with a particularly angry dep ed who was. As a result I feel that I understand, in some small way, the pain of seeing a beautiful Logitech G9 and not being able to use it without adopting an uncomfortable BB King playing style . Largely because I did feel real pain when the mouse came flying in my direction.

So hurrah for NZXT's latest construction, the Avatar S . It's a fine looking mouse designed with gaming in mind. There's the usual three way DPI switcher on board, and all changes made to the sensitivity are stored in its built in memory for driverless use.

But most importantly, it has the increasingly rare characteristic of being an ambidextrous design, as good for left-handers as it is for right. It's an unusual mouse that doesn't get marked down these days in a review for failing that particular test.

Out now for $39.99 or £34.99, depending on where you live, I'll be looking to get one in for review next issue. If it's any good, I'll send it to my ex-colleague as a present.