'UFO 50 has taken over my life': A fan has built a playable LX computer and plans to sell the blueprints for the parts on Etsy

UFO 50 LX machine, 3D printed by LukeTheMaker
(Image credit: LukeTheMaker)

UFO 50 is a good game. In fact, according to our UFO 50 review, it's a great game. Yet one dedicated fan thought that just admiring it from afar wasn't good enough. Building a dedicated PC specifically for playing the game is the answer, and I admire them for it.

An aptly named LukeTheMaker over on Twitter shared the original concept for a mockup of the LX computer found in the fictional world of UFO 50 earlier this month. In it, they shared that "UFO 50 has taken over my life". Then, Luke proceeded to spend weeks continuing to build it.

Now, mere weeks later, they have a fully playable build. The UFO 50 computer has a retro tinge to it, with a blocky build, and angular uses of grey, black, and red, to accentuate its design. You can spot the original at the start of the launch trailer for the game but it seems like a very faithful rendition from the videos shown.

To put into context why this all matters, UFO 50 is a video game made up of 50 arcade-style titles, all created by Mossmouth (Spelunky), Moppin (Downwell), and FourbitFriday (Catacomb Kids). It's a celebration of retro games and seems intended to convoke the feeling of playing an arcade or one of those dodgy 200-in-1 plug-and-play machines you'd buy as a kid.

The version Luke has built seems to be a shell that you can essentially wrap around a small PC, but it has inputs on the front for plugging in an NES-style controller and a select button on the shell itself. Curiously, the machine even plays a small sound when you plug in a controller, which is a lovely touch.

Notably, there's also an adapter for its inputs that allows you to connect a more modern USB controller. It's a gorgeous interpretation of the game's arcade machine, and the files to 3D print it yourself "will likely" be available on Luke's Etsy next week.

If you're going to play UFO 50, you might as well play it in style.

If you want a PC that's a little more practical:

If you want a PC that's a little more practical:

Best gaming PC: The top pre-built machines.
Best gaming laptop: Great devices for mobile gaming.

Hardware writer

James is a more recent PC gaming convert, often admiring graphics cards, cases, and motherboards from afar. It was not until 2019, after just finishing a degree in law and media, that they decided to throw out the last few years of education, build their PC, and start writing about gaming instead. In that time, he has covered the latest doodads, contraptions, and gismos, and loved every second of it. Hey, it’s better than writing case briefs.