Guild Wars 2: invasion of privacy [giveaway]


Imagine yourself not as the dashing hero that rushes in to save the day in every game you've played, but as a skeleton, or ogre, or disembodied head. Forced to live underground, work in hazard areas such as lava flows and dank caves, and perform menial tasks like standing in anticipation. Most monsters are just trying to get by, and it's hard enough without adventurers busting into your space all the time to smash your vases and open your chests, " What the hell? " Unmitigated invasion of privacy is what it is, and I won't stand for it. Lower your weapons and earn loot the right way for a change, by entering our Guild Wars 2 loot giveaway.

All you have to do to earn one of our coveted jewels is answer a simple question in the comments section of this post : If you were a monster in the Guild Wars universe, say a troll or one of the afflicted , how would you get back at the adventurers for wrecking your cozy dungeon? Remember, GW2 lets you utilize environmental weapons as well as combine various powers for unique effects, so go crazy with your ideas!

On the prize table are:

  • 2 huge, canvas concept art posters
  • 1 “The Art of Guild Wars 2” concept art book
  • 1 Guild Wars “Ghosts of Ascalon book”
  • 3 Guild Wars 2 hats
  • 2 copies of Guild Wars Trilogy

The contest ends Thursday, October 21 and winners will be selected shortly thereafter. Contest is restricted to US Residents only.