Don't expect Dragon Age: The Veilguard before October at the absolute earliest

Four of Dragon Age: The Veilguard's companions
(Image credit: EA)

BioWare has been vague on the release date of its upcoming pansexual dwarf-romance simulator Dragon Age: The Veilguard, saying only that it'll be out in autumn this year. We can now narrow that launch date a wee bit further, as publisher Electronic Arts has updated its quarterly report to give Dragon Age: The Veilguard a Q3 release—meaning it should be out between October 1 and December 31—as spotted by Eurogamer.

Don't book time off in October just yet, however. It'll be the 10th anniversary of Dragon Age: Inquisition's release in November, which would be a noteworthy time to put out its sequel. A recent blog post from BioWare says we should expect the actual release date, as well as "a new roadmap" and "more looks at the game" in August.

BioWare recently said the next Dragon Age will contain 140,000 lines of dialogue, which puts it ahead of Inquisition's 88,000 words and the estimated 114,921 lines of dialogue in Baldur's Gate 3. Hopefully that means the companion banter will trigger a little more frequently than it did in Inquisition, where your pals would speak up once every 15 minutes if you were lucky. I'm still bitter I never got to hear Dorian flirt with The Iron Bull.

We've been divided in our levels of optimism regarding BioWare's potential for a return to form in The Veilguard. Fraser Brown thought the gameplay reveal emphasized how terminally out of touch EA and BioWare have become. I'm a little closer to the hopeful outlook/copium level displayed by Ted Litchfield, who is actually pretty optimistic about Dragon Age: The Veilguard despite being an old school RPG sicko.

Jody Macgregor
Weekend/AU Editor

Jody's first computer was a Commodore 64, so he remembers having to use a code wheel to play Pool of Radiance. A former music journalist who interviewed everyone from Giorgio Moroder to Trent Reznor, Jody also co-hosted Australia's first radio show about videogames, Zed Games. He's written for Rock Paper Shotgun, The Big Issue, GamesRadar, Zam, Glixel, Five Out of Ten Magazine, and, whose cheques with the bunny logo made for fun conversations at the bank. Jody's first article for PC Gamer was about the audio of Alien Isolation, published in 2015, and since then he's written about why Silent Hill belongs on PC, why Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale is the best fantasy shopkeeper tycoon game, and how weird Lost Ark can get. Jody edited PC Gamer Indie from 2017 to 2018, and he eventually lived up to his promise to play every Warhammer videogame.