Command & Conquer Remastered shows us the Construction Yard in its first art preview

EA has revealed the first art preview for the Command & Conquer remaster in an update post on Reddit which also states that it's approaching the end of the pre-production phase.

The art preview (above) shows the classic Construction Yard which strives to maintain the authenticity of the original in-game asset. "If there are opportunities to pull in details from the cinematic footage to enhance an asset, we’ll do our best to incorporate those details," says EA creative director Jim Vessella. "A good example here would be the blue pattern / texturing on the Con Yard door (Inspired by the classic Con Yard unpacking cinematic)."

Command & Conquer and Red Alert Remastered was first announced back in November and will begin with Tiberian Dawn and include the alt-universe classic Command & Conquer: Red Alert. Petroglyph, composed of C&C veterans, is developing the remasters. You can check out everything we've discovered so far in this handy article.

Sarah James
Senior Guides Writer

Sarah started as a freelance writer in 2018, writing for PCGamesN, TechRadar, GamingBible, Red Bull Gaming and more. In 2021, she was offered a full-time position on the PC Gamer team where she takes every possible opportunity to talk about World of Warcraft and Elden Ring. When not writing guides, most of her spare time is spent in Azeroth—though she's quite partial to JRPGs too. One of her fondest hopes is to one day play through the ending of Final Fantasy X without breaking down into a sobbing heap. She probably has more wolves in Valheim than you.