Come be PC Gamer's new hardware deals writer

Do you love shopping around for sales on PC hardware? Does your heart start racing when you see a price error on Slickdeals or hear about a sticking coupon code? Do you know your way around PC components like CPUs and SSDs and graphics cards, and which products are worth buying? Then we want you to share those eagle-eyed finds with our readers.

What we're looking for

As a paid freelancer, you'll help us hunt down great deals on PC hardware and write them up on a daily basis. You'll be working with us to maintain several articles like the best CPU deals today, and staying vigilant for offers that are so good they deserve individual posts.

No prior published writing experience is required. You'll be expected to source deals yourself and write about them enthusiastically, accurately, and quickly, coordinating with an editor about the deals you're covering.

How to apply

Send an email to with "Deals writer" in the subject line. Your email should include:

  • A little about yourself, your previous writing experience and why you're a good fit for PC Gamer.
  • A short story about the best deal you've ever scored
  • Links to published deals articles you've previously written, or an attached sample of a short deal post (max 300 words) that you'd want to share with PC Gamer readers. Here's an example.
PC Gamer

The collective PC Gamer editorial team worked together to write this article. PC Gamer is the global authority on PC games—starting in 1993 with the magazine, and then in 2010 with this website you're currently reading. We have writers across the US, UK and Australia, who you can read about here.