Ubisoft donates €500K to help restore Notre-Dame, gives away Assassin's Creed Unity for free

Following the shocking events in Paris on Monday that saw the iconic Notre-Dame cathedral sustain devastating fire damage, Ubisoft has pledged to donate €500,000 to help with the restoration and reconstruction of the historic landmark.

2014's Assassin's Creed: Unity is set in Paris and includes a faithful representation of the famous cathedral. You can take a look at Unity's Notre-Dame in the original E3 announcement trailer above. 

Talking about the creation of Unity, Ubisoft said, "We developed an even closer connection with this incredible city and its landmarks—one of the most notable elements of the game was the extraordinary recreation of Notre-Dame."

Additionally, Ubisoft has announced that it is giving away Assassin's Creed Unity for free on PC. It's available for download now via Uplay or through the Ubisoft Store.

"Video games can enable us to explore places in ways we never could have otherwise imagined. We hope, with this small gesture, we can provide everyone an opportunity to appreciate our virtual homage to this monumental piece of architecture."

Unity had a notoriously flawed launch on PC, earning 65% from Tom Senior's review, but the gesture here is very positive. 

Sarah James
Senior Guides Writer

Sarah started as a freelance writer in 2018, writing for PCGamesN, TechRadar, GamingBible, Red Bull Gaming and more. In 2021, she was offered a full-time position on the PC Gamer team where she takes every possible opportunity to talk about World of Warcraft and Elden Ring. When not writing guides, most of her spare time is spent in Azeroth—though she's quite partial to JRPGs too. One of her fondest hopes is to one day play through the ending of Final Fantasy X without breaking down into a sobbing heap. She probably has more wolves in Valheim than you.