Arma 3 beta beginning June 25

Military sim fans rejoice! Bohemia has confirmed that Arma 3 will be heading into beta later this month, June 25 to be exact.

Additions will include new arsenals and vehicles to test and new scenarios that include a co-op and multi-team, wave-based defense scenario. Additionally, a new "Independent" faction consisting of a military native to Altis and Stratis was mentioned. You know, in case you were tired of Blufor and Opfor.

Another change is that uploading player-created missions to Steam Workshop will be directly integrated into the Arma 3 mission editor, which should streamline things a bit. This isn't necessarily going to be available during the beta, but it is a confirmed feature. Eventually.

If June 25 is too long a wait for you, be sure to check out our recent hands-on with the alpha.

For the latest from E3, check out our complete coverage .