Antihero is a Dickensian 4X strategy about sneaky thieves


I like 4X strategy games well enough, but until now I've yet to find one featuring bobble-headed thieves and thugs, and towns called things like 'Bumford' and 'Salty Nonce'. Antihero is the game that introduces 4X to both these things, and a new trailer has arrived to show this off.

It's a game about running a thieves' guild in a "gas-lit underworld", which of course means undertaking daring heists, hiring thugs and urchins, upgrading your guild, and fighting your rivals with bribes, blackmail, and a dagger in the back. There'll be asynchronous multiplayer in addition to the multi-pathed single-player campaign.

Antihero has already been greenlit on Steam, where developer Tim Conkling says that he hopes to have the game on Early Access "in early 2015, with a 1.0 following within a couple months". That obviously hasn't happened yet, but this new trailer is a good sign that things are still ticking along. (Thanks, IndieGames.)

Tom Sykes

Tom loves exploring in games, whether it’s going the wrong way in a platformer or burgling an apartment in Deus Ex. His favourite game worlds—Stalker, Dark Souls, Thief—have an atmosphere you could wallop with a blackjack. He enjoys horror, adventure, puzzle games and RPGs, and played the Japanese version of Final Fantasy VIII with a translated script he printed off from the internet. Tom has been writing about free games for PC Gamer since 2012. If he were packing for a desert island, he’d take his giant Columbo boxset and a laptop stuffed with PuzzleScript games.