30 incredible machines built by the Besiege community


Besiege is a game about building medieval siege weapons then destroying things with them. Even at this early alpha stage it’s a madly addictive physics sandbox with a powerful editor. The community has been coming up with some incredible, mind-blowing stuff, and I’ve had as much fun watching videos and gifs of their creations as I have playing the game myself. Here are some of my favourites.

P.S. I’m pretty sure these are all attributed to the right people, but if I’ve credited your creation to someone who just reposted it, let me know and I’ll fix it.

Rapid-fire catapult by SD78

Balls of Steel by MoonHeadJohn

Deathcopter by AetasAaM

The Yang Stand by Connor Brummett

Quadro Bomber by Hymer

Dogebot 9000 by Piginabag

Ultimate War Machine by Ravenielago Z

The Airbase by AnduinX BYM

Mech Truck Thing by Muki123

Sea Turtle by Ray Yu

Andy Kelly

If it’s set in space, Andy will probably write about it. He loves sci-fi, adventure games, taking screenshots, Twin Peaks, weird sims, Alien: Isolation, and anything with a good story.